Saturday, August 20, 2016

On Hiatus with Vikings

I've been away from my computer for a bit.  On hiatus, as they say. My brain has been a bit fuzzy since my surgery(7 surgeries in 2 years! Yikes.).  Try as I might, my blog type thoughts have been drifting away like smoke wafting from from a lit cigarette.  Rather than stressing out about not writing on my blog, I've relaxed, spent time with my family, and just concentrated on getting well.  

Stranger Things drew me over to the television.  I loved taking a trip back to the 80s, when there were no cell phones and children were left to their own devices in a way that doesn't exist anymore. I enjoyed the friendship between the four boys, sitting in a basement playing games. I won't reveal the ending of the show, of course, but the show was excellent.

And then there were Vikings.  When the History Channel first started advertising the show in 2013,  I didn't pay much attention.  I thought the show was a documentary.  I was so wrong. Think Game of Thrones, but the historically accurate version.  We sat down to watch a couple of episodes, before a soccer game.  We ended up watching the entire first season, nine episodes, in one sitting.  That may not be a record for most people, but it is for me.   The next day, we watched the entire second season. Then we watched seasons 3 and 4, so that we are all caught up.  It wasn't enough.  My husband had to go out and find the blu-rays, because of the extended episodes and extras.

I like Vikings.  I can't help it--I'm a bit of a history geek.  The main character was an actual person, as near as historians can tell.  Ragnar is interested in sailing west, and when he gets his wish, they find England.  I like the character of Ragnar, who is definitely a leader with the long view of history.  The depictions of the Nordic culture have been very interesting, and the depictions of the early Christians even more so.  Both cultures are shown without judgement or bias, leaving the viewer to form their own opinion.  But what a story! 

So I'm on hiatus, finding new stories, and learning new things.  My hope is, at the end of it all, my fuzzy brain will not be as fuzzy anymore, and I can get back to writing, which is one of my favorite pastimes.  Be patient with me!  


  1. I haven't been online too much either. So it was a nice surprise to catch your post. I think I'll check into the Viking show. Good to rest up, it gives you a better perspective to write. Plus, we all need to take time to just enjoy our lives. Cheers kid.

  2. As long as you are enjoying yourself with your guys, I am thrilled for you! I know you'll be back eventually!

  3. Glad to see you back. I would put in a plug for my blog , but that would be wrong, so I won't do that.

  4. Three surgeries here in 2 years... right there with ya...

    LOVE Vikings... Great story line and hello!!! Those eyes!!!!


I welcome comments, but reserve the right to correct your spelling because I am OCD about it!