Tuesday, June 19, 2012

If Only There Were Random

My father claims that I was going to be named Bernadette.  The way he tells it, he had my mother convinced that Bernadette Marie was the perfect name for a girl.  My mother had other plans.  She named me Tina, after the actress Tina Cole.   Thank goodness!   I just cannot see myself as a Bernadette.  Do you think that your name suits your personality?
Yesterday was the first day of soccer camp for my son. British soccer camp.  As in, taught by actual people from Britain.  I was initially concerned about possible soccer hooligans, then I was slightly hoping that all soccer players from Britain might look like David Beckham.  You know--just like all old men from America look like Harrison Ford, and all teenage boys look like Justin Bieber. We all know how daydreams go!  Most of my daydreams tend to be very similar to those Old Spice commercials, actually.  Or the Direct TV commercials.  I watch too much television. 

My son does not like for me to read aloud to him. He prefers that my husband do the reading.  I don't begrudge that at all.  I have a tendency to read fast, and I don't have that "voice" that makes reading aloud pleasant listening.  I probably sound like Minnie Mouse reading aloud, if Minnie did a hit of helium. Does anyone who isn't in show business like the sound of their speaking voice?

I am an auditory mimic.  When I am listening to other people talk, I tend to start speaking with their accents.  For example, if someone from Mexico is speaking to me, all of a sudden I have their accent, complete with the random exclamation points, although I don't understand any Spanish but the bad words.  I usually don't realize that I am doing it, and some people might think that I am poking fun at them.  I am positive that I am doing it because it helps create rapport, but it drives Larry nuts. 

So I did get a pedicure. I wanted to go for a bold, royal purple. Then I wanted a bright red.  Then I saw a fuchia that I liked.  In the end, there were just too many choices. I was afraid that if I chose a color, I would want a different one twenty minutes later.  Now that I am thinking about it, that's pretty much how I think of food.  I went with the French manicure, which I am told is not actually something that they do in France.   Yes, my two middle toes are longer than my big toe.  I got lucky--most of the members of my family got the webbed feet gene.

I found out that one of my favorite state wineries, Llano Estacado, is now making sangria.   So I'm heading over to Stacy's Uncorked, to see if she's tried it.  I'm also going to visit Seriously Shawn and her friend Impulsive Addict because they are fun party girls, and they have snakes over there.   I'm kidding about the snakes.  


  1. Longer second toes is supposed to mean you'll be rich. At least that's what I was told years ago. I'm still waiting, however! When I hear my speaking voice recorded, I sometimes don't even realize it's me.

    1. Rich? Well! I have something to tell people now.

  2. My name was supposed to be Stacy Renee. Then my Dad decided he wanted to name me Connie because of Connie Stevens. I'm really glad I'm not a Stacy because there were 25 of them in my graduating class.

  3. My toes are the same way. I was told once it was an Native American thing and then I goggled it... it's a Morton's toe. And I forget now what all that entails. I have also been told that those who have Morton's toes are bossy. That fits me to a T! I do have Indian blood but the Irish kinda trumps it!
    I liked my voice. I too am like Minnie Mouse on Helium but with a slight lisp. I didn't realize I had the lisp until a few months ago while Vlogging. I think it has to do with my teeth changing so much... long story there.
    And yes, my name suits me to a tee also. Reddish blonde with freckles... yep.

    1. Not many Nadines out there, so you're memorable!

  4. I just got my first pedicure of the season and I decided on french manicure too. I feel like it lasts longer than color anyway. I have issues with my toes. I'm not a big fan but they could be worse, right? Webbed would NOT be good!

    Shawn's snake story freaked me OUT.

    Thanks for linking up!!

    1. My husband would have had a heart attack if he would have found that snake!

  5. Man, I need to get a pedicure - I should be wearing sandals this week because it's so stinkin' hot, but alas, I need to take care of my toes first. :) My family have a tendency for webbed feet - luckily I didn't get them, but I definitely inherited my mom's cankles. Blech. :)

    I am actually making my own Sangria wine as we speak! I haven't tried any and here I thought I was being unique...heh! I can't wait until it's done so I can guzzle...I mean...drink some. :)

    I'm just going start calling you Bernie, m'kay? No? Ok, fine, I won't. :) My dad said he wanted to name me Kelly, but my mom forbid it since it was an ex-girlfriend of my dad. Niiice! Instead they gave all of us kids versions of their names - my name Stacy is based on my mom's name Stacia...they were going to name me Stacia, but my mom said she was too selfish with her name and didn't want someone else to have it. I kinda wish they had named me Stacia, though, because like Connie pointed out, there are a bazillion Stacy's out there. Though not all of them spell it right. ;)

    Summer Heat, Christmas in June, Misspelled Fun, and 20 Mules

    1. Sangria is a perfect summer drink! I mix it with lemonade and it is even more awesome...

  6. i bought my daughter yellow nail polish but i won't be trying it---your feet look fine!

  7. Cute toes! I would love to have cute toes like that, but I strongly dislike (I would say hate, but that's not nice) to have people touch me. Not just strangers, either. If you're not one of my kids then please don't touch me. Sounds rude, I know. But I don't mean it in a rude way. Just don't put your hands on me. I have a strong sense of personal space and having someone all up on my feet, hands or anywhere else (for, say, a massage) makes me extremely uncomfortable.

    My mother in law gives me extra hugs because she thinks she can cure me of this. She can't. It just reminds me why I don't like spending more than 2-3 days with her.

    1. I don't like people touching me, either. I am getting better, for my son's sake. At least now my family can hug me! Getting a pedicure has become easier, too.

  8. Oooh, I like your fancy footwear! Finding out you have a high voice is making me have to readjust how I read your blog--not what I expected...ok,, I don't really know what I expected but it wasn't Minnie! My name seems to suit me, but when people Say it ON-drea, it kind of doesn't!

  9. I am very definitely a soprano, no matter how much I would like to be an alto!

  10. I think women's second longer toes are very sexy and love the summertime when they show them off with nice nail polish.


I welcome comments, but reserve the right to correct your spelling because I am OCD about it!