Tuesday, January 3, 2012

I Finished It!

I often start crochet projects.  I see something in a magazine or online, and I think, "I can do that."  The sentence "I can do that," I've since realized, is the female equivalent to one guy telling another, "Watch this!" before feats of derring-do that end up on YouTube.  I often start projects, but rarely do I actually finish anything.

I started this particular project four years ago, right after Zane was born.  It was something to do while hooked up to the breast pump that distracted me from feeling like a cow.


The crochet bug only hits me during the winter months; crocheting a blanket is a great way to keep your legs warm.  I worked on this project several times over the last four years, with good intentions, but my son conspired to steal any and all attention away from my crochet hook.  He even managed to unravel some of this when he picked it up and brought it up the stairs to me!  I was finally able to get within one skein of finishing...and then I stopped.

I just need to accept that I am a procrastinator when it comes to these sorts of crafty things, I told myself last week.  But then this voice in my head started giving me guilt and sounding an awful lot like my mother, and so I sat myself down and went to work.

I then completely shocked myself, and I actually finished a crochet project.  Yay me.

I think that my next project will be a hat.


  1. Beautiful! I have yet too progress beyond dishcloths. My mother said to just stitch a bunch together!

  2. (Struggling with new keyboard--I am aware that I used the wrong "too/to"!)

  3. Cute! My non-crafty genes are jealous of your crafty ones.

  4. I love it!!!

    Now just don't ditch it in the wash. I did that and the darn thing came out the size of a thimble.

  5. Yayyy!!!

    I've always wanted to learn how to knit/crochet, but being the procrastinator that I am, I keep on putting that for later too. *sigh*

  6. I don't crochet, I use to knit. This move I finally got rid of all my projects in process, over the past 40 years4 years is nothing!


I welcome comments, but reserve the right to correct your spelling because I am OCD about it!