
Sunday, February 14, 2021

It is Cold. Texas Cold.

Today, Texas is cold.  Not the kind of cold you are thinking of...COLD.  North Pole cold.  Polar bear cold.  There is ice on my car that has been there for TWO days. And it's not just here--the entire state is freezing. The coast is even closed.  Hear that?  THE GULF OF MEXICO IS CLOSED.  

Good times.

It hasn't made it above 32 in the past three days, and that never happens here in San Antonio.  I don't remember this kind of weather happening here since...1985.  That winter we got a foot plus of snow, and since there wasn't a snow plow in sight, the entire city shut down.  The northern portions of Texas are used to such events, so THEY have actual snowplows. San Antonio generally never gets below freezing more than a day or two every winter, and never for long.  

My husband is excited about the idea of snow.  My son is excited about the idea of snow.  Me, not so much. It's really difficult to love snow when you've had to shovel it, or constantly scrape ice of your car. Oh, it is pretty to look at, transforming a landscape that looks relatively dull in the winter to a magical, pristine wonderland.  Everything looks clean, at least until the dog gets out there, the kids have snow fights, and the exhaust from cars takes over.  

I'll take pictures of the event, mostly from my warm house.  I will get plenty of exercise running to "see" Larry and Zane play in the snow.  I may go outside. 

Maybe not.      


  1. We've been warmer here in New England than you guys lately. Snow is great if you don't have to go anywhere in it, or deliver mail in it.

    The majority of ours is gone, for now. Another 2-4 inches is expected from Thursday night through Friday night, so it shouldn't be a big deal keeping up with it for the roads. Next week though it will be in the 40's so I suspect we're in for a wet, and soggy March/Spring. Fine by me. :)

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