Wednesday, November 4, 2015

Parenting Is Hardest

Tap, tap, tap

Softly in the darkness,

Tap, tap, tap

A cadence in my brain

Tap, tap, tap

Brings me out of my dreams.

I open one bleary eye to find my sweet child next to the bed.

"I'm thirsty!" he says.


  1. Oh! Those "dreams" where someone is standing right next to your bed, so real you can feel their breath...and then they speak so quietly - so as not to wake you?

  2. Oh, this reminds me of when I was very pregnant and my daughter was three. I would fall asleep on the couch while she watched cartoons only to wake up to her staring at me, just inches from my face. Kids!

  3. Hahaha! I can so relate to this. That soft tap, gently stealing yuu away from the much needed slumber.

  4. Oh! I remember nights like this. You are going to have them when you have little ones. You have captured it so well! ♥

  5. Oh this phrase - "A cadence in my brain.." ***
    And the repetition Tap Tap Tap works so well.

  6. This. Is. My. Life. Great read!


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