Wednesday, September 3, 2014

A Cat Lady Moment

These are my cats.  We used to have more, but old age and various afflictions have whittled down the crowd.  None of these cats have reached Mean Kitty status, like my precious Morris did.  They do have their eccentricities, however. I don't care.  I loves them, just the same. 
Zena the Serial Killer
Zena was found at a truck stop as a tiny kitten. She was nursed back to health, and then she became my husband's birthday present.  At just under ten pounds, Zena is fond of long walks in the moonlight, especially when she can race outside at inopportune moments.  Zena is into also into big game hunting, often bringing home various legs, tails, and heads to leave as a warning to other small mammals. Zena's favorite activity, however, is raising her dog, Maisy.  She has worked very hard to teach Maisy how to hunt and how to defend herself from rampant raccoons.
Pouncer Lulu the Underbed Stalker
At thirteen, Pounce is the grand dame of the house. Pounce has an unfortunate anxiety disorder that has been unresponsive to treatment thus far. She is fond of hiding under the bed and hissing at her nemesis, Zane, who makes way too much noise for her taste.  Pounce does not like anyone but her adult humans, but she does love her some crab grass, which she eats whenever I can remember to bring a few blades in from the yard.  Pounce has hatched a plan to scare the dog Maisy by hissing at her constantly for the last two years. 
Smoky "Open Sez Me" 
Smoky is an outdoor cat.  He's an outdoor cat because he is not fixed.  He is not fixed because every time I mention it, he disappears for a week or two until he thinks I've forgotten about the whole "fixed" thing. (I'll get him eventually) Smoky prefers long walks through the neighborhood, checking out the babes, and eating.  However, Smoky's favorite past time is sitting in front of our back door, staring at it until it opens and he gets fed.  Smoky also prefers napping indoors, and does not understand why I don't share that same opinion. 

There.  Now I have shared my crazy with the world.  You may all now proceed to point and laugh as it suits you.  Have a great day!


  1. now you know that I LOVE each and every one of them!

  2. Only three? You are far from a crazy cat lady worthy of sneers and pointing! ;)


I welcome comments, but reserve the right to correct your spelling because I am OCD about it!