My mother named me Tina after the actress Tina King of the King family. I was not named Christina or any other named to be shortened, just Tina. If looking in a dictionary of baby names, Tina is from the Old English and means river, which I find curious. My name is also associated with Christianity, and in that aspect is supposed to mean strength.
So I am a strong river? Not with my bladder.
The Urban Dictionary defines my name as meaning "little one". Which is true--I'm only 5'3". There's more: "Derived from Latin. Competitive - a leader, independent, strength, creative and original. A refined intellectual, a woman who's studious, analytical and very research oriented . . ." While I am definitely independent, intellectual, and strong, I wouldn't say that that I am very original. I've met tons of strong and independent women. I'm also not competitive about most things. (My name also appears to be a reference to meth, oddly; unless they are referring to the drug's volatile and explosive tendencies. I do have a bit of a temper.)
I also looked up my name on a weird website called the Kabalarians. I guess they are interested in the Kabala? (Well, either that or it's some cult--if I disappear or start spouting weird stuff and asking for money, you'll know which one.) This site says that I am very strong willed, which is true. But it also says that I desire leadership. Not so much. I'd much rather be the second in command,
The consistent theme, across these websites is that I am a strong and independent person. I think my name does suit me in that regard. Following the crowd has never been easy for me. I've always preferred to go my own way. As for strong, I have always seen myself as a survivor. I've survived many things that would have put others in therapy, and killed a few. I'm still here, scars on display.
I don't think I'd be as adaptable if my father had had his way and I'd been named Bernadette.

5.) The meaning of your name...does it suit you?
I've always wondered if I would be a different person if I would have been named Sarah, which was my mom's choice. Instead, Daddy won and I became Mary Jo. Who knows? I've known two other Tinas in my life (not nicknames) and they were both strong and independent, like you.
ReplyDeleteOk, I had to go look at the definition of my name on Urban Dictionary... I may now say it suits me. :) I love that your name is TINA and not short for anything!!
ReplyDeleteSo glad you feel your name suits you! I haven't ever really given my name much thought until I was looking it up on different websites for this prompt.
ReplyDeleteYes, Tina is a much better name than Bernadette! :-D
ReplyDeleteMy name means from the white island... which has no connection to my life whatsoever. But I'm glad you found the connect in your life!
ReplyDeleteWhit from Raspy Wit