Saturday, November 2, 2013

Frankenstein's Lament

"It is the first day of November, and so, today someone will die."

"Does he always talk like that? It's a bit creepy!"

"Don't mind him--he always gets depressed when Halloween is over.  Says it's the only time of the year when nobody's afraid of him."

Use this quote from Maggie Stiefvater from The Scorpio Races: "It is the first day of November, and so, today someone will die." Add 33 more words.


  1. For me it's the sugar crash. Beware. Very fun!!!

  2. Poor Frankenstein...he's so misunderstood. Or is he? :)

  3. HAhaha!!! I guess that's one problem I'll never have ... I hope!!!

  4. Cute, and definitely enjoyable. Yet in this age of extreme body modification, I think Frankie could venture the streets of California whenever he wished.

  5. That is sad. Well written. :-)

  6. This.... is brilliant and made me laugh out loud. Great!

  7. Even scary folks get depressed-poor thing!A sweet take :-)


I welcome comments, but reserve the right to correct your spelling because I am OCD about it!