Thursday, December 27, 2012

Christmas Card

 Mamakat's Wonderful Prompt:
2.) Christmas card share! Show us the card you sent out to family and friends this year.

This is the card I sent out to the family this year, courtesy of  I am sure that some people got upset with me for  not saying "Merry Christmas", but I decided that that was their issue, not mine.  Since I am fortunate enough to know people of other faiths, I chose to show respect to all this year, since the general sentiments are the same, and I only had the cash for 25 cards.  

Why did I choose this particular photo?  Why did I not choose some sort of winter-ish theme?  It's simple. We were wearing short sleeves and going barefoot up until last Sunday. It's pretty warm here most of the winter, so why pretend otherwise?  Also, look at that angelic face, that beautiful smile!   That's some awesome Christmas spirit right there!  That is a little boy who knows that he is loved, and is secure in that knowledge.  I wish that every child could grow up that way.  It would solve a lot of problems.


  1. I did the collage photo card this year and chose photos from the year that showed who we were as a family... Bonus Brother's prom, Youngest winning his running medal, Tony at the (step)father's day kickball game, us all dressed up at a wedding.

    IT's who we are, and Christmas (of festivus for the rest of us) cards should say that. :)

  2. Kids can show it truthfully! Great card.

  3. Who wouldn't want to receive that lovely card and best wishes? Happy holidays or merry Christmas- I think the intent is what really matters!

  4. Who wouldn't want to receive that lovely card and best wishes? Happy holidays or merry Christmas- I think the intent is what really matters!


I welcome comments, but reserve the right to correct your spelling because I am OCD about it!