Wednesday, March 14, 2012


This mini-figure cracks me up.  It's that little curl!  It makes me giggle every time I see it.   (And yes, those are Cheez-its in the background.  Superman likes them, and unless you have kryptonite handy, when Superman tells you to buy Cheez-its, you buy Cheez-its.  The fact that I love them, and tend to eat an entire box during the random movie-of-the-week, is irrelevant. Really.)  I love that Lego is going to be releasing all these DC Universe mini-figures.  I really am fascinated with all of the Lego mini-figures, and not just because I can actually put them together by myself.  But I've enjoyed the trip down memory lane as I play--er, hand the superhero mini-figures to my son.

Of course, we all know that I am not a Superman fangirl.  I am all about the Bat.  Superman was always way too goody-goody for me.  He ate his veggies and drank his milk and was never late with his homework.  Superman was smart, but sort of gullible.  Yeah, I said it.  Superman would always believe Lex Luthor.   Superman trusted people to do the right thing, even when they'd done wrong the last fifty times.  While it is good to hope for the best, at some point Superman should have started basing his decisions on Lex Luthor's past behavior and just left him in prison.  Batman would have just let Lex rot in his cell, and not helped him get out of prison repeatedly just so the writers could have another storyline.  That's one reason why Batman is my favorite.

But I still love that little curl!   And I'm not saying that because I'm hopped up on Cheez-its. 


  1. I have an insane collection of mini figures on my desk. People comment on them all the time. I had no idea that they were releasing these. Do you know if they're going to do the little packages like the mini-figs are in now?

    1. As far as I know, the DC mini-figs only come with kits like the Batcave. I wish they would sell them separately so I could have my own collection.

      I was so happy to get the new Alien mini!

    2. Sometimes you can grab a minifigs keychain of somebody good.

  2. Did you ever read "The Dark Knight" graphic comic?

    All the superheroes are banned by the government as vigilantes. Superman goes to work for them instead. The government uses Superman to hunt down the superheroes who refuse to submit to the government. Batman is retired. They make reference to Green Arrow. . . he refused to surrender to superman, so superman ripped his arm off so he couldn't shoot arrows any more. too goody-goody indeed!

    Good stuff.

    1. I have indeed read Frank Miller's graphic novel. It was awesome. Batman is still more awesome.

  3. I love the wonder woman who came with mr curl...did Zane throw her to the cat?

    1. Wonder Woman is safe, but we aren't sure about her lasso.

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