Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Wordless Wednesday: The View of the Acorn's World

I have laryngitis from coughing up those lungs last weekend, and I need to rest up. So I bring you a picture I took at the corn maze outside of Hondo, Texas.


This is what a 150 year old Live Oak tree looks like, if you're an acorn that has fallen on the ground. I hope that you enjoy it

Oh, and don't forget about the nationwide test of the emergency broadcasting system tomorrow at 2pm Eastern time. They want to check the system just in case there's a real emergency, like a zombie apocalypse.


  1. the picture and I hope you feel better soon!!

  2. Lovely pic. I hope you are feeling better soon. :)


I welcome comments, but reserve the right to correct your spelling because I am OCD about it!