He bought Zane as many Green Lantern action figures as he could find and afford, and he told Zane stories about the Green Lantern. We viewed animated movies about Hal Jordan and Jon Stewart and other members of the Green Lantern Corps. I listened to my husband lecture about the Corps and Sinestro and Kilowog for what seemed like hours, but Zane ate it up like ice cream. I remember reading a couple of Green Lantern comic books as a kid, but that's the extent of my knowledge. I was still invited to go to the movie with them, even though I refused to wear the t-shirt and the ring.
We went to eat first, and let Zane run out some of his energy. We found our seats and then I went to get popcorn. I should have just waited five minutes and gone back in there; Zane was sitting still for longer than two minutes, so he fell asleep. He only slept fifteen or twenty minutes, and woke up after the back story.
I enjoyed the movie, and not just because Ryan Reynolds looks good in the suit courtesy of CGI and good genes. (Do you think that maybe I could get some CGI around my middle? That would be a cool weight loss thing. It would certainly sell!) There were a few "huh?" moments for me, that I won't talk about because someone will scream and yell about me giving away the most important part of the movie plot and completely ruining their movie experience. If you like superheroes, if you like comic books, if you like chicken, if you like action movies...you will like this movie.

They look so cute in those green masks!
ReplyDeleteThat's what my husband enjoys about being a father to a boy, as well. He has someone to share those things he loved as a child.
I can't wait to see it. I would watch Ryan Reynolds read the phone book, he's so damn HOT.